FoUGM/StudentAffairs/26/2025/01 10th January, 2025
Official Admission Notice: Faculty of Undergraduate Medicine, 2025 – Taba Campus
We are pleased to announce that the admissions for the MBBS program at Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (KGUMSB) are now open for the second cohort of students.
All the candidates selected for the MBBS program at KGUMSB in the year 2024, are required to report to the Faculty of Undergraduate Medicine at Taba Campus as per the schedule provided below.
Reporting Date: Monday, 3rd February, 2025
Reporting Time: 9:30 am – 3 pm
Location: Faculty of Undergraduate Medicine at Taba Campus
General Information
- The students are instructed to bring their parent/legal guardian on the reporting date.
- Information on uniform will be provided later after joining the course.
- The students will have to attend mandatory pre-MBBS orientation program scheduled from 4th to 6th February 2025.
- The formal classes will commence from 7th February 2025.
Documents/items required at the time of reporting:
- Duly filled Admission Form for the Year 2025.
- Undertaking form for scholarship to be signed by the parent/legal guardian on reporting to the faculty
- Undertaking form for scholarship to be signed by the students
- Class XII Original mark sheet & photocopy
- Class X original mark sheet & photocopy
- Original School leaving certificate & photocopy
- Citizenship Identity Card photocopy
- Recent passport-size photo (2)
- Legal stamps (3)
The students are required to make the following payment:
- Faculty of Undergraduate Medicine development fund: Nu.1800 (for six years)
- Security money deposit (refundable): Nu. 6000 (6 years’ program)
- Mess Money (First month): Nu.3000
Total amount: Nu-10800/-
Hostel Requirements:
- Sickle 1
- Small spade 1
- Bucket 1
- Water Jug 1
- Soap case 1
- Washing brush
- Plate, Mug, and spoon 1 each for personal use
- Broom (hard and soft) 1 each
- Pillow 1
- Pillow cover 2-3 nos.
- Blanket and quilt with cover 1-2 nos.
- Bed sheet 2-3 Nos
General Requirements:
- Gho and Kira
- Lagay for boys (minimum-2-3 pairs)
- Tego/Gong for boys (minimum 2-3 nos.)
- Wonju and Tego for girls (minimum 3 -6nos.)
- Black shoes (formal) no heels (minimum 2 pairs)
- Bath towel 1 no.
- Face towel 1 no.
- Bathroom slippers
- Black/Navy blue socks for gents (minimum -2 pairs)
- Sports shoes and attire as required
- Rachu for girls
- Kabney for boys
- Stationaries as required
- White laboratory coat
- BoB account number to be opened and TPN Number to be obtained. Note: The student needs to pay the following from your stipend:
- Mess Nu 3000 /monthly
- Monthly hostel rent 10% from your stipend (Nu 500)
- Utility bills
Please ensure that you arrive within the specified time frame to complete the necessary formalities. We look forward to welcoming you to KGUMSB and embarking on this exciting journey in medical education together.If there are any other queries, please contact
Dr.Kipchu Tshering, FoUGM, Deputy Dean Student Affair, KGUMSB at or call at + 975- 17628245 during office hours.