The Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan is pleased to invite sealed bids from the eligible license holders for the supply of air tickets as per the following terms and conditions:

Sector 1: Kathmandu-Paro-Kathmandu

Date of      TravelDD/MM/YYSectorClassNumber of Passengers & Name of Official TravellingRemarks
 01/06/2024  Kathmandu-ParoEconomy 1Pax (Dr. Yogendra Man Shakya)                                     Quote for most Economical Route
 01/06/2024  Kathmandu-ParoEconomy 1 Pax (Dr. Leena Bajra Charya)
 03/06/2024  Kathmandu-ParoEconomy 1Pax (Dr. Mahesh Sigdel)
 04/06/2024  Kathmandu-ParoEconomy 1 Pax(Dr. Ramesh Kumar Maharjan)
 06/06/2024  Kathmandu-ParoEconomy 1 Pax (Dr. Ganesh Dangal)

Sector 2: Bangkok-Paro-Bangkok

Date of TravelDD/MM/YY Sector ClassNumber of Passengers & Name of Official Travelling Remarks
 01/06/2024 Bangkok-Paro     Economy 2 Pax: 1.Dr. Piya Kiatisevi           
 2.Dr. Chaiwat Piyaskulkaew             
 Quote for most Economical Route
 05/06/2024 Paro-Bangkok

             Sector 3: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-Paro-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Date of TravelDD/MM/YY Sector ClassNumber of Passengers & Name of Official Travelling Remarks
 03/06/2024Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-Paro    Economy 1 Pax: (Dr. Mohd Zukiflee Abu Bakar)Quote for most Economical Route
 07/06/2024Paro-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sector 4: New Delhi- Paro-New Delhi

Date of TravelDD/MM/YY Sector ClassNumber of Passengers & Name of Official Travelling Remarks
 04/06/2024  New Delhi-Paro   Economy 1 Pax (Dr. VK Mallik) New Delhi to Paro Morning flight recommended and Paro to New Delhi Evening Flight Recommended.      Quote for most Economical Route
 05/06/2024 Paro-New Delhi
 04/06/2024  New Delhi-Paro  Economy 4 Pax: 1. Dr. Satish Saluja           
 2. Dr. Anita Mahajan            
3. Dr. Ashwini Gupta            
4. Sunita Saluja
 09/06/2024 Paro-New Delhi
 05/06/2024  New Delhi-ParoEconomy 2 Pax: 1. Dr Jayashree Sood            
2. Ruchi Khetan 
08/06/2024Paro-New Delhi

Type of Airline: Mention the Airline name and itinerary clearly.

Terms and Conditions

  1. All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked as “Air Ticket Quotation” addressed to the Procurement Officer, KGUMSB, Thimphu latest by May 24, 2024, on or before 11:00 AM and will be opened at 11:30 AM on the same day.
  • If the flight or seat is not available on the above dates and sectors, you can quote earlier for an earlier date.
  • The purchaser reserves the right to reject a bid or all the bids if it is found non-feasible or if we cannot bear the cost resulting from your early or late quoted dates.
  • The rate should be quoted as per the sector given above and will be selected for the most economical and direct route. Evaluation will be done sector-wise based on the most economical and direct route.
  • Airline and seats must be confirmed while submitting the bids and submit confirmed itinerary details.
  • The validation of fares and availability of seats should be as per the details mentioned above.
  • The quoted rate should be inclusive of all applicable taxes and duties.
  • The successful bidder should submit a copy of the air ticket along with their invoices for payment.
  • Unconditional bids like an increase in fares or changes of the airline at the time of travel are not accepted.
  1. Tender documents should contain a copy of a valid trade license issued by MoICE.
  1. The purchaser reserves the right to reject the bid(s) if it is found not responsive to our terms and conditions, and the decision of the tender committee will be final and binding.


Procurement Officer

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