• Provide an opportunity to local health professionals and researchers to update on the latest developments in the field of medical and health sciences.
  • Facilitate better cooperation and collaboration among healthcare providers and researchers.
  • Provide a scientific platform to present research findings on health sciences for the local as well as international health professionals and researchers.
  • Encourage research on the principles and practice of medical and health sciences.
  • Encourage Bhutanese health professionals to gather at least once in a year for a scientific session to update and share professional experiences.
Sub- themes:

  1. Transformative Health Care System for Universal Health Coverage
  2. Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in Clinical Care
  3. Maternal and Child Health: Reducing Preventable Deaths
  4. Translating Research into action
  5. Integration of alternative medicine towards patient care
  6. Innovative medical education in improving health care
Pre-Conference themes:

  1. Medical Error : Can we afford to ignore  (Panel Discussion)
  2. Zhinay (Mindfulness – Traditional Medicine Approach)
  3. Ethical dilemma in health research in low income countries
  4. Holistic Medical Education
  5. Adult and Neonatal Resuscitation 

Date and Timing
9th November, 2018
1. Registration: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
2. Workshop Timing: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Workshops                                                                               Venue
Medical Error : Can we afford to ignore (Panel Discussion)   Auditorium, FNPH
Zhinay (Mindfulness – Traditional Medicine Approach)           Zhidney Hall, NTMH
Ethical dilemma in health research in low income countries   Conference Hall, FNPH
Holistic Medical Education                                                      Body,Mind and Speech Center, FNPH
Adult and Neonatal Resuscitation                                           National Emergency Education Centre, FNPH



Programme: Scientific Session 4th ICMH 2018

Date Time Topic Presenter Institution Country
Day 1  (9th November 2018) – Pre Conference Workshop from 10:00  Am – 1:00 Pm.
Day 2
(10th Nov)
0830 – 1015 Hrs
0800 – 0830 Hrs : Registration of Participants
1. Transformative Health Care System for  Universal Health Coverage
Chair: Dr. Shakti K. Gupta,  Me dical Superintendent, All In dia Institute of Medical Sciences
Co-Chair :Dr. Pandup Tshering , Director General, Ministry of Health
0830 –
Dimensions of Healthcare Service Quality: A study on patients’ perception using 5Qs model Prof. Gopal Krishna


Manipal Institute of
Technology, Manipal
Academy of Higher
0855 –0910 Determinants of infant mortality in Samdrup Jongkhar district, Bhutan Mr. Hari Prasad
Sr. Nutritionist
Samdrup Jongkhar Hospital Bhutan
0915 –0930 High reliability unit in resource limited setting:our experience in NICU at JDWNRH Dr. Yoriko Nishizawa
Paediatrician / Neonatologist
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital Bhutan
0935 –0950 Providing inclusive health services for LGBT Mr. Sonam Wangdi  Project Coordinator UNODC, Country Office Bhutan
0955 – 1010 Knowledge and attitude towards partograph recording, interpretation and documentation status by health professionals in Samdrup Jongkhar district, Bhutan Mr. Kuenzang

Clinical Nurse

Dewathang Hospital Bhutan
1015 -1045 TEA BREAK

1215 Hrs

2. Quality Improvement and Patient Safet y in Clinical Care
Chair: Mr. Sonam Dorji, Regist rar General, Bhutan Medica l and Health Council
Co-Chair: Dr. (Lt. Col) Pem Te nzing, Chief Medical Officer,  Lungtenphu Hospital
1045 – 1105 Continuous quality improvement through exemplary leadership at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, Dr. Shakti K Gupta  Medical Superintendent All India Institute of Medical Sciences India
1110 – 1125 Wrong dose medication Dr. S. I. Singh  Professor All India Institute of Medical Sciences India
1130 – 1145 Hand hygiene Mr. Zimba Letho  Clinical Nurse Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital Bhutan
1150 – 1205 Developing culture of safe hands among health care providers Ms. Yangchen Dolma  Senior Nursing Officer RPC, All India Institute of Medical Sciences India
1210 – 1225 Surgical site infection Dr. Sonam Jamtsho Surgical Resident Faculty of Post Graduate Medicine, KGUMSB Bhutan
1230 – 1330 Hrs LUNCH
1330 –1515 Hrs 3. Integration of Alternative Medicine Towards Patient Care
Chair: Dr. Tashi Tobgay, Former Registrar, KGUMSB
Co-Chair: Hege Bjørnestøl Beckmann, Associate Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder
1330 – 1350 Collaboration between Traditional Medicine and Allopathic Medicine for safe medical care Dr. Tashi Tenzin
Dean and Professor
Faculty of Post Graduate
Medicine, KGUMSB
1355 – 1410 Music therapy as part of an early intervention program with special needs children age 0-6. Mrs. Anne K R Kippenes
Special Needs Education, Gamle Oslo Norway
1415 – 1430 Knowledge, attitude and practice towards Buddhist astrological recommendations for elective surgery among patients at the National Referral Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan Drg. Dorji Gyeltshen
Drungtsho (Indigenous Medicine Doctor)
Regional Referral Hospital,
1435 – 1450 Geopharmaceuticals of Himalayan Sowa Rigpa medicine: Ethno pharmacological uses, mineral diversity, chemical identification and current utilization in Bhutan Mr. Karma Yeshi  Teacher Wangbama Central School, Ministry of Education Bhutan
1455 – 1510 Patients’ knowledge and practices on Bhutanese Traditional Medicine drugs: a call for a systematic approach to drug information services Mr. Sherab Tenzin  Head Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Health Bhutan
1515 – 1545 HEALTH BREAK
1545 – 1735 Hrs 4. Translating Research into Action
Chair: Dr. Rajan Patil,  Epidem iologist and Professor, SRM University Chennai, India
Co-Chair: Dr. Gosar Pemba, M edical Superintendent, JDW NR Hospital
1545 – 1605 A Cohort study: Identifying risk factors associated with pressure injuries in surgical patients Prof. Patricia  Nicholson


School of Nursing and Midwifery, Deakin University Australia
1610 – 1630 Climatic effects on the acculturation of internal migrants: A longitudinal test of two competing perspectives Prof. David Lackland


Department of Global
Public Health and Primary Care
1635 – 1650 Rapid Assessment of avoidable blindness and assessment of cataract surgical services in Bhutan: A follow-up study Mr. Indra Prasad Sharma
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital Bhutan
1655 – 1710 The Weight of Schoolbags and Musculoskeletal Pain in Children of Selected Schools in Thimphu, Bhutan: a Cross-sectional Study Dr. Thinley Dorji
General Duty Medical
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital Bhutan
1713 – 1730 Internet addiction among secondary school Adolescents– a mixed methods study Dr. Karma Tenzin  Deputy Dean Faculty of Post Graduate
Medicine KGUMSB
Day 3
(11th Nov)
0900 – 1045 Hrs
1. Maternal and Child Heath Reducing Preventable Death
Chair: Dr. Karma Lhazeen, Dir ector, DoPH, Ministry of Health
Co- Chair: Dr. Phurb Dorji, Gy naecologist, JDWNRH and Editor in Chief, Bhutan Health Journal
0900 – 0920 Guest Speaker Ms. Beate Dastel  Deputy Resident Representative UNICEF Bhutan Country
0925 -0945 Improvement in quality of neonatal care:
Findings of Assessment of Early Essential Newborn Care (EENC) and Kangaroo MotherCare (KMC) in three referral hospitals in Bhutan
Mr. Pema Lethro  Programme Officer Reproductive Heath, Ministry of Health Bhutan
0950 – 1010 Quality improvement of breastfeeding practices in hospital settings – Maternal and Baby Friendly Health Initiative assessment Mr. Laigden Dzed Sr. Program Officer Nutrition Program, Ministry of Health Bhutan
1015 – 1030 Understanding the role of nutrition in child development Prof. Ingunn Marie


University of Bergen Norway
1035 –


Prevalence and Outcomes of Preterm Births in  Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital Dr. Dinesh Pradhan  Resident Faculty of Post Graduate
Medicine, KGUMSB
1055 – 1125 BREAK
1125 –

1225 Hrs

2. Innovative Medical Education in Improving Health Care
Chair: Dr. Chencho Dorji, Dea n, Faculty of Nursing and Pu blic Health, KGUMSB
Co-Chair: Prof. Patricia Nichol son,  Associate Professor, Sc hool of Nursing and Midwifery, Deakin
1125 – 1145 TBA Prof. Prashant Jha
Senior Editor & Professor
The BMJ and AIIMS, Delhi India
1145 –
Medical Humanities Prof. Kosala Saroj Amarasiri Jayasinghe
Chair & Professor of
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo Sri Lanka
1205 – 1220 Implementation of Surgical Safety Checklist:
Impact of Educational Intervention on Nursing Officers
Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta  Medical
Superintendent cum Head
Postgraduate Institute of Medical education and Research, Chandigarh India
1225 – 1240 Increase in Residency Scholarly Activity as a Result of Resident-Led Initiative Dr. Kyle Hoedebecke  Medical Director Yongsan Health Clinic South Korea
1245 – 1345 LUNCH
1345 1500 Hrs


Plenary on Emergence of Cancer as a Public Health Issue
MODERATOR: Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Associate Professor, Lab Oncology, AIIMS, Delhi, India
Dr. Ugyen Tshomo, Gynaecologist, JDWNR Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan
Dr. Tashi Dendup Wangdi, Onco-Surgeon, JDWNR Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan
Dr. Phub Tshering, ENT Surgeon, JDWNR Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan
Dr. Partha Sen, Radiation-Oncologist, JDWNR Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan
Ms. Sonam Yangden Tamang, Psychological counsellor, Bhutan Cancer Society, Thimphu, Bhutan
1505 – 1535 Hrs TEA BREAK


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